More about the book
The Unclouding book takes a nostalgic look back at the simple and clear approach of a picture book to help illustrate a more mindful way to face life’s challenges today. On each page you will discover how our negative thought patterns and emotions can be viewed differently, and how to divert our attention and energy away from the things that don’t serve us well, in order to make room for the things that do. Perfect for improving your own wellbeing and for helping others to do the same.
“Unclouding is a beautiful book. Every page is full of generous wisdom to help you see clearly and respond skilfully to difficulties in life. Wonderfully accessible words by Emma Browning, nestle side by side with illustrations by Maria Burns, which clarify and deepen the themes. If you are looking to find peace and wellbeing in the midst of everyday challenges, are and small, I warmly recommend this book” Mark Williams, co-author of Mindfulness: Finding peace in a Frantic world.
Section one of the book explains how the stories that we tell make us unhappy and why we continue to feed them. Each page helps us to identify our own unhelpful stories and the stress, anxiety or low moods they might be causing.
Section two takes this practise a step further. Once we notice the stories that we are telling which are making us unhappy, using mindfulness skills we can actively practise diverting our attention away from them and stepping off. By choosing not to follow unhelpful stories again and again we free ourselves from them.
Section three is all about increasing positive experiences. Using aspects of positive psychology theory and the ‘wellbeing recovery action plan’ model, section three encourages you to build a practical inventory of all the things that keep us feeling good and functioning well. When we timetable more positivity into our lives, our enjoyment of life and resilience grows.